
High Volt Pulsed Stimulation


High Volt Pulsed Stimulation

What is HPVS

High Volt Pulsed Stimulation (HVPS) is electrical stimulation that is used for the prevention or retardation of muscle spasm; muscle reeducation; maintaining and increasing the range of motion; increasing local blood circulation and as an immediate post-surgical simulation of calf muscles to prevent venous thrombosis. The device is also used to treat wounds.


  • Active Electrode – Electrode that carries negative electrical current (cathode).
  • Decay Time – The time for the trailing edge of the phase to return to the baseline from the peak amplitude of the phase.
  • Decubitus Ulcers – Wounds resulting in prolonged sitting or lying becoming inflamed and ulcerated.
  • Direct Current (DC) – An uninterrupted flow of charged particles that flows in one direction.
  • Dispersive Electrode – Electrode that carries positive electrical current (anode), generally twice the size of the Active Electrode. Also known as “inactive” or “reference” electrode.
  • Interpulse Interval – Is the elapsed time between successive pulses.
  • HVPC – High Volt Pulsed Current – Electrical Stimulator that has a monophasic waveform with phase durations usually less than 100 uS that employs a high-driving voltage (usually higher than 150 Volts).
  • HVPGS – High Volt Pulsed Galvanic Stimulation – Electrical Stimulator that has a monophasic waveform with pulse durations that are infinite.
  • Monophasic – Pulse that deviates in one direction from the zero current baseline and returns to the baseline after a finite period of time.
  • Peak Current – The maximum amplitude/magnitude of current with reference of the baseline measured in Milli amplitude.
  • Phase – Is the current flow in one direction for a finite period of time. In a monophasic waveform, phase and pulse are identical.
  • Polarity – Electrical condition of either positive or negative from base line.
  • Pulse – Is an isolated electrical event separated by a finite time before the next event.
  • Pulse Amplitude – The measure of the magnitude of current with reference to the base line measured in Milli amplitude or Micro Amplitude.
  • Pulsed Current – The unidirectional flow of charged particles that periodically ceases for a finite period of time before the next event.

Comparison Chart

wdt_ID Diagnosis Mode Polarity Pulse Rate Voltage Treatment Time
1 Adhesive Capsulitis Alternating Negative 100 pps Patient Tolerant 45 Minutes/3 times per day
2 Ankle Post-Op Alternating Pos. for 48 hrs. 100 pps Patient Tolerant 1 hour/3 times per day
3 Arthritis Alternating Negative 20 pps Patient Tolerant 45 Minutes/3 times per day
4 Arthroscopy Post-Op Alternating Pos. for 48 hrs. 100 pps Patient Tolerant 1 hour/3 times per day
5 Bunionectomy Alternating Negative 20 pps Patient Tolerant 45 Minutes/3 times per day
6 Bursitis Alternating Negative 20 pps Patient Tolerant 45 Minutes/3 times per day
7 Carpal Tunnel Alternating Negative 100 pps Patient Tolerant 45 Minutes/3 times per day
8 Cervical Sprain Alternating Negative 100 pps Patient Tolerant 45 Minutes/3 times per day
9 Cervical Sprain/Spasm Alternating Negative 100 pps Patient Tolerant 45 Minutes/3 times per day
10 Degenerative Disc Alternating Negative 100 pps Patient Tolerant 45 Minutes/3 times per day
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What is HPVS

What is HPVS

High Volt Pulsed Stimulation (HVPS) is electrical stimulation that is used for the prevention or retardation of muscle spasm; muscle reeducation; maintaining and increasing the range of motion; increasing local blood circulation and as an immediate post-surgical simulation of calf muscles to prevent venous thrombosis. The device is also used to treat wounds.



  • Active Electrode – Electrode that carries negative electrical current (cathode).
  • Decay Time – The time for the trailing edge of the phase to return to the baseline from the peak amplitude of the phase.
  • Decubitus Ulcers – Wounds resulting in prolonged sitting or lying becoming inflamed and ulcerated.
  • Direct Current (DC) – An uninterrupted flow of charged particles that flows in one direction.
  • Dispersive Electrode – Electrode that carries positive electrical current (anode), generally twice the size of the Active Electrode. Also known as “inactive” or “reference” electrode.
  • Interpulse Interval – Is the elapsed time between successive pulses.
  • HVPC – High Volt Pulsed Current – Electrical Stimulator that has a monophasic waveform with phase durations usually less than 100 uS that employs a high-driving voltage (usually higher than 150 Volts).
  • HVPGS – High Volt Pulsed Galvanic Stimulation – Electrical Stimulator that has a monophasic waveform with pulse durations that are infinite.
  • Monophasic – Pulse that deviates in one direction from the zero current baseline and returns to the baseline after a finite period of time.
  • Peak Current – The maximum amplitude/magnitude of current with reference of the baseline measured in Milli amplitude.
  • Phase – Is the current flow in one direction for a finite period of time. In a monophasic waveform, phase and pulse are identical.
  • Polarity – Electrical condition of either positive or negative from base line.
  • Pulse – Is an isolated electrical event separated by a finite time before the next event.
  • Pulse Amplitude – The measure of the magnitude of current with reference to the base line measured in Milli amplitude or Micro Amplitude.
  • Pulsed Current – The unidirectional flow of charged particles that periodically ceases for a finite period of time before the next event.
HVPS Protocols

Comparison Chart

wdt_ID Diagnosis Mode Polarity Pulse Rate Voltage Treatment Time
1 Adhesive Capsulitis Alternating Negative 100 pps Patient Tolerant 45 Minutes/3 times per day
2 Ankle Post-Op Alternating Pos. for 48 hrs. 100 pps Patient Tolerant 1 hour/3 times per day
3 Arthritis Alternating Negative 20 pps Patient Tolerant 45 Minutes/3 times per day
4 Arthroscopy Post-Op Alternating Pos. for 48 hrs. 100 pps Patient Tolerant 1 hour/3 times per day
5 Bunionectomy Alternating Negative 20 pps Patient Tolerant 45 Minutes/3 times per day
6 Bursitis Alternating Negative 20 pps Patient Tolerant 45 Minutes/3 times per day
7 Carpal Tunnel Alternating Negative 100 pps Patient Tolerant 45 Minutes/3 times per day
8 Cervical Sprain Alternating Negative 100 pps Patient Tolerant 45 Minutes/3 times per day
9 Cervical Sprain/Spasm Alternating Negative 100 pps Patient Tolerant 45 Minutes/3 times per day
10 Degenerative Disc Alternating Negative 100 pps Patient Tolerant 45 Minutes/3 times per day
HVPS Products
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